Regular Council Meeting

City of Penticton, Council Chambers
171 Main Street, Penticton, B.C.

To view the live broadcast and recordings, visit

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council Adopt the Agenda for the Regular Council Meeting held on February 11, 2025 as presented.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council adopt the Regular Council Meeting minutes of January 28, 2025 as presented.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council approve the Consent Agenda:

    1. January 8, 2025 Accessibility Committee Meeting Minutes;

    2. January 21, 2025 Special Accessibility Committee Meeting Minutes; and  

    3. January 22, 2025 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes.

Staff Comments: 

  • Recommendation from PRAC is consistent with the staff recommendation provided to Committee.
  • This was put forth for Committee consideration as they have been showing an interest in recommending longer term options based on factors such as historical use and level of investment required from the Licensee to operate.
  • The Policy was first adopted in 2018 and has not received a formal review since it’s approval.
  • Should council endorse the Committee recommendation, staff will consult with PRAC on proposed policy amendments before going to Council for final approval of the policy.
  • Committee Recommendation:

    THAT the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee recommend that Council direct staff to undertake a review of the Park Land Protection and Use Policy with the objective to streamline and enhance the efficiency of processes related to parkland protection, allocation and use.  

Delegation: Tanya Behardien, Co-Chair, 100 More homes, & Frank Conci, President, Penticton Industrial Development Association (PIDA)

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive into the record the report dated February 11, 2025 titled “Midterm Report Temporary Winter Shelter”.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive into the record the research report titled “Penticton Substance Use System of Care Transformation Project” as provided in Attachment A that identifies the need for an Integrated Services Centre;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to bring back additional information on a proposed Integrated Services Centre, in addition to potential location options.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive into the record the report dated February 11, 2025, titled “Q4 Public Safety and Partnerships Division Updates”.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive into the record the report titled “Q4 2024 – RCMP Update” from the Officer in Charge, Penticton RCMP Detachment, dated February 11, 2025.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive into the record the report date February 11, 2025, titled “Q4 2024 – Housing and Economic Development Update”.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council submit the following resolution regarding increasing the equitable distribution of supportive housing and shelter services across the Province to the Southern Interior Local Government Association;

    AND THAT the resolution be forwarded to the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen for consideration.

    WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia, through BC Housing, has made significant investments in supportive housing and shelter services, yet many smaller and rural communities continue to face challenges in accessing these resources; ;

    AND WHEREAS ensuring that individuals experiencing homelessness can access housing and supports within their home communities promotes stability and well-being;

    AND WHEREAS a more equitable distribution of supportive housing and shelter services would ensure that all communities – urban, rural and regional – have access to supportive housing and shelter services;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) urge the Province of British Columbia to implement a regionally balanced approach to supportive housing by:

    • Increasing dedicated funding streams for smaller and rural communities;
    • Ensuring supportive housing projects are proportionally distributed based on local needs assessments;
    • Providing targeted incentives for non-profits and service providers to operate outside major urban centers and regional hubs.

Re:  3885 South Main Street and 185 Lakeshore Drive West

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council refer the Request for Proposal to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for their review and recommendation, for the use of two (2) City food concessions located at 3885 South Main Street, (Skaha East Concession) and 185 Lakeshore Drive West (Peach Concession) for the purpose of seeking an operator for a food concession for a three (3) to five (5) year term.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council refer an extension for a one (1) year Sub-License to Use Agreement to Penticton Water Park Ltd. operating as Splash BC, for the use of approximately 0.25 hectares of Okanagan Lake, for a floating water park, and a portion of Okanagan Lake Beach for an operations tent and lifejacket storage area, and issue an RFP for an aqua park provider for a five (5) year term commencing operation for the 2026 season to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for their review and recommendation.

Delegation:  Ann Jackson, Landscape Architect - Bench Site Design Inc.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive into the record the report dated February 11, 2025 titled "Lakawanna Park Upgrade - Final Concept Design";

    AND THAT Council endorse the Lakawanna Final Concept Design to proceed to detail design and procurement;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to prepare and submit an application to the Tire Stewardship BC (TSBC) program, to help offset the costs associated with the playground surfacing.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council receive into the record the report dated February 11, 2025, titled “Beach Accessibility Report & Mobi Mats”;

    AND THAT Council approve the purchase of additional Mobi-mats and Chairs for $30,000 to be funded from the Gaming Reserve;

    AND THAT the 2025-2029 Financial Plan be amended accordingly.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT staff prepare and submit applications to the Active Transportation Fund for the Duncan Avenue Corridor Rehabilitation Project (Atkinson Street to Government Street), for construction in 2026 and 2027.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council approve the budget amendment for the Ellis 4 Dam Upgrades to provide a total budget of $18M, with $11.0M to be funded through external debt financing;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to prepare the appropriate loan authorization bylaw for the Ellis 4 Dam Upgrades project;

    AND THAT the 2025-2029 Financial Plan be amended accordingly.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council endorse the 2024 Interim Housing Needs Report, completed in accordance with provincial requirements;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to publish the 2024 Interim Housing Needs Report on the City’s website.

Re: 157 Wade Avenue West

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council approve “Temporary Use Permit PL2024-9938”, for Parcel "C" (DD KW106070) Block A District Lot 4 Similkameen Division Yale (Formerly Yale-Lytton) District Plan 373, located at 157 Wade Avenue West, to allow a personal service establishment use for a 3-year period;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to issue the permit.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council adopt "2024-2028 Amended Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2025-02".

If you would like to ask Council a question with respect to items that are on the current agenda, please visit our website at to find the telephone number or Zoom link to ask your question before the conclusion of the meeting. Use the raise hand feature and you will be given the opportunity to turn on your camera and unmute your microphone and ask Council your questions. Please note that the meeting is streaming live and recorded, access to recordings can be found on the City’s website. 

  • Staff Recommendation:

    THAT Council adjourn to a closed meeting of Council pursuant to the provisions of the Community Charter as follows:  Section 90 (1)

     (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as   an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; and

    (j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


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