THAT Council submit the following resolution regarding increasing the equitable distribution of supportive housing and shelter services across the Province to the Southern Interior Local Government Association;
AND THAT the resolution be forwarded to the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen for consideration.
WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia, through BC Housing, has made significant investments in supportive housing and shelter services, yet many smaller and rural communities continue to face challenges in accessing these resources; ;
AND WHEREAS ensuring that individuals experiencing homelessness can access housing and supports within their home communities promotes stability and well-being;
AND WHEREAS a more equitable distribution of supportive housing and shelter services would ensure that all communities – urban, rural and regional – have access to supportive housing and shelter services;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) urge the Province of British Columbia to implement a regionally balanced approach to supportive housing by:
- Increasing dedicated funding streams for smaller and rural communities;
- Ensuring supportive housing projects are proportionally distributed based on local needs assessments;
- Providing targeted incentives for non-profits and service providers to operate outside major urban centers and regional hubs.